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Business Studies Form 4 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 4 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016

1)State the effect of each of the following transactions on the balance sheet by writing increase, decrease or no effect on each case

A)Bought machinery on credit
B)Purchased stock in cash
C)Paid outstanding loan by cheque

2)Highlight 4 problems that may be encountered when using the income approach method of measuring national income

3)Give 4 differences between a fixed account and savings account

4)State 4 problems that a planner may encounter in development planning

5)State 4 advantages of using boda boda as a means of transport

6)Highlight 4 circumstances under which a sole proprietorship may be dissolved

7)Highlight 4 activities that take place at the issuance stage in a warehouse

8)Mwangi is a manufacturer and distributior of building materials. Highlight 4 types of insurance policies that they may take for his business

9)Highlight 4 advantages of using billboards as a medium of advertising

10)State 3 factors that determine the rate of economic development

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