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Business Studies Form 3 Second Term Question Paper

Business Studies Form 3 Second Term 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2017

1)Name 5 methods of solving the problem of unemployment in Kenya

2)Highlight 4 advantages of visual communication

3)State 3 functions that are common to both Kenya bureau of standards and the departments of weights and measures in relation to consumer protection

4)State 4 benefits of self employment to an individual

5)Highlight 4 positive implications of production activities on a community

6)Highlight 4 benefits of using electronic filing system

7)State 4 differences between monopoly and oligopoly

8)Highlight 4 circumstances under which a proforma invoice can be used

9)Explain the following terms as used in international trade

A)Balance of payments
B)Terms of trade
C)Exchange rate
D)Invisible trade

10)State 4 roles of intermediaries in the distribution channel

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