Dit 111- Introduction To Computer Applications Question Paper

Dit 111- Introduction To Computer Applications 

Course:Diploma In Information Technology

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2016

Instructions to candidates:
• Answer question one and any other two.
QUESTION ONE (30marks)
a. Define the following (4mks)
Computer system
b. Explain the functions performed by: (3mks)
i. control unit
ii. Arithmetic and logic unit
iii. Main memory
c. Name Three special purpose memories found either inside or outside the microprocessor, and
explain what each does. (6mks)
d.i ) What is meant by a computer bus (1mks)
ii. List and explain the three types of buses found in the CPU. (6mks
e. Differentiate between SAVE and SAVEAS as used in word processor. (2mks)
f .Define and explain the difference between RAM and ROM. (3mks)
g. i. What are peripheral devices? (2mks)
ii. State three examples of peripheral devices. (3mks)
a.) A computer user enjoys a wide range of choice when it comes to selections of input and
output devices. Explain any three input and three output devices, that a computer user can install
in the computer and give appropriate reasons for the choice. (12mks)
b i.) Explain the following internet address and give an example of yahoo email address.
http://www.google.com in reference to the structure of URL. (5MKS)
b ii.) Define the following concepts (3mks)
a) With the aid of a well-illustrated diagram explain the classification of computer software
b) Explain the following terms as used in Microsoft PowerPoint. (2mks)
i. Presentationsii.
.List and explain Three files created in mail merge. (6mks
c) Explain the anatomy of Microsoft word screen (10mks)
d) Give any Two examples of application software and their respective uses (4mks)
c.i. What is formatting in relation to word processing? (2mks)
ii). Give any four document formatting features . (2mks)
e. Differentiate between Superscript and Subscript. (2mks)
a. With the aid of a diagram describe the functional organization of the elements of computer
CPU. (7mks)
b.i. Define a spreadsheet. (1mk)
ii. Describe the following terms as used in spreadsheet. (3mks)
e) Column With the aid of a well-illustrated diagram explain the classification of computer
software (12mks
f) Explain the following terms as used in Microsoft PowerPoint. (2mks)
j. Presentationsii.
.List and explain Three files created in mail merge. (6mks)
iii. State and explain the four basic data types acceptable to spreadsheets. (8mks)
iv. Differentiate between a worksheet and a workbook as used in spreadsheet. (1mk)

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