Pcomp 011: Introduction To Computers Question Paper

Pcomp 011: Introduction To Computers 

Course:Introduction To Computers

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2013

 Section A is COMPULSORY and any other TWO from Section B
Question One: (30 marks)
1. What is a computer; discuss some of the advantages of a computer? (3 marks)
2. State and explain four limitations of a computer (8 marks)
3. Computers can be classified in many different ways -- by size, by function, and/or by
processing capacity. Explain each (3 marks)
4. Differentiate between the following:- (2marks each)
i. Data and Information
ii. Input device and Output device
iii. Kernel and Shell
iv. GUI and CLI
v. Interpreter and Translator
5. Advice Nakola a first year student on the factors to consider when purchasing a computer
(6 marks)
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Question Two: (20 marks)
A typical computer system consists of the following major components: Explain each giving
examples (4 marks each)
i. The central processing unit (CPU)
ii. Main memory
iii. Secondary storage devices
iv. Input devices
v. Output devices
Question Three: (20 marks)
1. Computers range in size and capability. At one end of the scale are supercomputers, very
large computers with thousands of linked microprocessors that perform extremely complex
calculations. At the other end are tiny computers embedded in cars, TVs, stereo systems,
calculators, and appliances. Discuss the types of computers you know. (8 marks)
2. State and explain operating system installation methods (6 marks)
3. Differentiate between system software and application software, giving examples of each.
(6 marks)
Question Four: (20 marks)
Computer has become widely used in different field of application. In fact, the immergence of
computing technology has made the world become a global union. Discuss the application of
computers in each of the following fields, citing example where possible. (4 marks each)
i. Education
ii. Research
iii. Hospital
iv. Military
v. Medicine
Question Five: (20 marks)
1. What is data processing (2 marks)
2. Discuss the five generations of a computer (5 marks)
3. Give the differences between CISC and RISC architecture (8 marks)
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4. State what the following shortcut keys will do (5 marks)
i. CTRL + O
ii. CTRL + S
iii. CTRL + A
iv. CTRL + N
v. CTRL + V

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