Comp 420: Professional Ethics And Information Law Question Paper

Comp 420: Professional Ethics And Information Law 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2014

Question one (30 marks)
1. Define the following terms as applied in professional ethics and information law: (8 marks)
a. Intellectual property
b. Ethics
c. Ethical theory
d. computer ethics
2. Differentiate between Deontology and relativism ethical principles. (4 marks)
3. Define the term whistle blowing as applied in ethics. (2 marks)
4. What is software piracy?
5. Differentiate between law and policy as applied in professional ethics and information law.
(4 marks)
6. Distinguish between piggybacking and dump diving as applied in computer crime.(4 marks)
7. State six general moral imperatives as an ACM member. (6 marks)
8. List four computer ethics. (4 marks)
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Question two
1. Explain why Software Engineers are not regarded as professionals. (4 marks)
2. Explain the qualities of a professional. (10 marks)
3. State and explain four types of contracts. (6 marks)
Question three
1. Outline the Eight principles that software engineers shall adhere in accordance with their
commitment to the health, safety and welfare of the public as stipulated by the IEEE
2. Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice. (6 marks)
3. John a software engineer has been contracted by Kabarak University to develop a university
management information system. John borrowed software development tool from a friend so
that he could use it to develop the system. He also got came across similar system developed for
ABC university and copied the code with a few changes to meet the requirements of Kabarak
a. State computer crime committed by John. (2 marks)
b. State law protecting software. (2 marks)
c. Explain principles of the software engineering code of ethics violated in this case.
(10 marks)
Question four
1. What is cyber crime? (4 marks)
2. List FOUR functions of professional code of ethics. (4 marks)
3. Computers have brought about digital divide.
a. Explain what is digital divide? (2 marks)
b. Explain how computers have brought about the digital divide in developing countries.
(10 marks)
Question five
1. State two types of law. (2 marks)
2. Explain the term industrial espionage and explain how it can be carried out. (6 marks)
3. Explain three ways in which industrial espionage can be prevented. (6 marks)
4. Explain the function of the following international laws: (6 marks)
a. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), aka Kennedy-
Kassebaum Act
b. Security And Freedom Through Encryption Act of 1999 (SAFE)
c. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 (CFA Act)

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