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Business Studies Form 4 Term 2 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 4 Term 2 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2014

1)State 4 features of a common market

2)State 4 problems associated with the implementation of development plans in less developed countries

3)Differentiate between progressive and regressive taxation giving an example of each

4)State 4 important uses of national income statistics

5)Outline 4 assumptions associated with perfect competition

6)Highlight 4 specific duties of a production manager

7)Outline 4 characteristics of consumer goods and services

8)Highlight 4 factors that may influence an internal business environment

9)State 4 features of a chain store

10)State 4 circumstances leading to the dissolution of a company through a court of order

11)State 4 factors that may cause inflation in an economy

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