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Form 4 Business Studies Third Term Question Paper

Form 4 Business Studies Third Term 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1)Highlight 4 ways in which production activities may negatively impact community health

2)Distinguish between ageing population and declining population

3)Highlight 5 factors to be considered when determining the most suitable business opportunity from a choice of business ideas

4)Highlight 4 roles of stock exchange as a market for securities

5)Highlight 4 factors to be considered when determining premiums to be charged in life assurance

6)Define horizontal communication

7)State 3 ways in which vertical communication can be used in a business organization

8)State the meaning of a business transaction

9)Explain how the concept of double entry applies to a business transaction

10)Outline 4 features of a public corporation

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