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Business Studies Form 3 Second Term Question Paper

Business Studies Form 3 Second Term 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1)State 4 ways in which a commercial attache promotes trade

2)State 4 disadvantages of division of labor

3)State 4 factors that determine the taxable capacity of a country

4)State 4 circumstances under which an insurance company may reinsure

5)List 5 methods that can be used to carry out market research

6)State 4 reasons why a business may fail

7)Distinguish between the following terms
A)Time charter vs voyage charter
B)Airway bill vs bill of lading

8)Explain the following terms as used in business:

A)Market liberisation

9)Highlight 4 ways in which partners may be classified giving an example in each case

10)State 4 features of a good filing system

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