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Business Studies Form 2 Term 3 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 2 Term 3 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1)Outline 4 factors that may limit the growth of a firm

2)Highlight 4 reasons why a country would like to know the structure of its population

3)List 4 factors that would qualify a risk as an insurable risk

4)Give 2 differences between perfect competition and monopolistic competition

5)State 3 differences between a bonded warehouse and a private warehouse

6)State 4 advantages that a business gets by maintaining a current bank account

7)Outline 4 ways in which services differ from goods

8)State 4 factors that should be considered when choosing an advertising medium

9)State 4 methods used by government to control inflation

10)Give 4 reasons why governments levy taxes on their citizens

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