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Business Studies Term 1 Form 3 Question Paper

Business Studies Term 1 Form 3 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2016

1)Outline 4 factors that may improve the terms of trade of a country

2)Outline 4 features of economic resources

3)Identify and explain 4 sources of business ideas

4)Highlight 4 qualities of a receptionist in an office

5)State 4 ways that may be used to control the amount of money in circulation by the central bank of Kenya

6)Outline 4 benefits to a trader who operates a small retail outlet

7)State 4 factors that may hasten the economic development of Kenya

8)State 4 reasons why some local authorities in Kenya find it difficult to provide public utilities

9)State 4 advantages of warehousing to a retailer

10)State 4 reasons why a businessman may prefer to locate his business where similar businesses already exist

11)Give 4 uses of a 3 column cash book

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