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Gwds 431: Gender, Environment And Development Question Paper

Gwds 431: Gender, Environment And Development 

Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Gender And Development Studies

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:2012


1. "Empowerment of women is key for environmental management and development" Discuss this statement. (10 Marks)
2. Discuss any THREE key gender constrains in the management of natural resources in Kenya. (15 Marks)
3. Using relevant examples, explain how gender roles and power relations affect environmental management.(09 Marks)
4. Explain the relationship between environmental conservation and poverty reduction in Kenya. (09 Marks)
5. Explain THREE of any of the following concepts in relation to environmental management: (3 Marks Each)
a. Sustainable development
b. Access and control
c. Poverty
d. Governance
e. Ecofeminism
f. Culture
6. Giving specific examples, explain the relevance of gender analysis in environmental management. (9 Marks)

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