Eccq 2221: Civil Engineering Materials 1B Question Paper

Eccq 2221: Civil Engineering Materials 1B 

Course:Civil Engineering

Institution: Technical University Of Kenya question papers

Exam Year:2015

Question ONE
a. Differentiate between hardwoods and softwood giving THREE examples of each (6marks)
b. Explain the term timber conversion and with the aid of sketches illustrate the following.
1. Quarter sawing 2. Tangential sawing (8marks)
c. Explain the benefits of converting timber when it is green rather than when it has stopped growing. (5marks)
d. Explain briefly the need of timber preservation. (5marks)
e. Discuss the merits of grading timber for different uses. (6marks)

Question 2
2a. i) Explain the term timber seasoning. (3marks)
ii) Briefly explain procedure to determine water content in a timber. (6marks)
iii) Illustrate with sketches how water content in timber relates to humidity in the surrounding environment. (11marks)
Question 3
3 a. i) Explain the artificial method of seasoning timber. (6marks)
ii) List FOUR advantages and FOUR disadvantages of artificial seasoning. (4marks)
b. Outline FIVE timber products. (10 marks)
Question 4
4 a. Outline the following timber deterioration effects.
i) Dry wrot
ii) Wet wrot (8 marks)
b. Outline FIVE timber seasoning defects. (7½marks)
c. State NINE requirements of an effective timber preservatives. (4½marks)
Question 5
5 a) Briefly explain TWO methods of grading timber for structural use. (8marks)
b) Discuss the attack of timber by insects and explain how the following attack timber.
i) Long Horn Beetles
ii) Powder post beetles
iii) Termites (12 marks)

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