Eccq 2221: Civil Engineering Materials Question Paper
Eccq 2221: Civil Engineering Materials
Course:Civil Engineering
Institution: Technical University Of Kenya question papers
Exam Year:2014
a) Outline SIX uses of timber. (9marks)
b) Explain what it means by the term " timber conversion" (3marks)
c) Outline the need of seasoning timber (3marks)
d) Explain why timber should be preserved (3marks)
e) Define the term "timber stresd grading" (3marks)
f) Differentiate between hardwoods and softwoods and list FOUR examples in each case (6marks)
g) Explain what is meant by "timber moisture movement" (3marks)
Answer any Two Questions
2 (a) With the aid of a labeled sketch, illustrate a timber structure (5marks)
(b) Outline the following
(i) Kiln seasoning
(ii) Air seasoning
(c) State FOUR advantages and FOUR disadvantages of Kiln and air seasoning (8marks)
3 (a) Explain THREE methods of timber conversion (9marks)
(b) Outline SIX defects which may occur during timber seasoning (9marks)
(c) Explain why timber should not be felled if not fully matured (2marks)
4 (a) Outline FIVE timber products (7½marks)
(b) Briefly explain FOUR methods of preserving timber (8marks)
(c) State NINE requirements a good timber preservative should fulfil (4 ½ marks)
5 (a) Differentiate between Ferrous and Non-Ferrous metals (3marks)
(b) List SIX uses of cast iron (3marks)
(c) Outline FOUR Non-Ferrous metals (6marks)
(d) Briefly explain why steel is gaining more universal uses in construction industry as opposed to use of timber citing some applications (8marks)
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