Eccq 2233: Engineering Surveying Question Paper
Eccq 2233: Engineering Surveying
Course:Civil Engineering
Institution: Technical University Of Kenya question papers
Exam Year:2014
1. Explain step by step how to carry out a topographical survey in a site for a proposed tourist resort (20marks)
2. i) Explain FIVE methods for providing Horizontal controls for setting out.
ii) Explain FIVE methods for providing Vertical control (20marks)
3.(a) Discuss FIVE modern surveying methods indicating the merits of each (20marks)
(b) i) Differentiate between large scale and small scale topographical surveys
ii) Explain FIVE techniques of setting out engineering works
iii) Describe how you would go about setting up an earth dam deformation monitoring controls (20marks)
4. (a) With the aid of sketches, show how to set up a theodolite ready for taking observations
(b) Describe how to conduct direct contouring in tacheometry (20marks)
5. Describe FOUR techniques commonly employed when conducting GPS positioning (20 marks)
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