Eccq 2121 Engineering Materials 1 Question Paper

Eccq 2121 Engineering Materials 1 

Course:Civil Engineering

Institution: Technical University Of Kenya question papers

Exam Year:2014

Question 1
a) Outline the FOUR materials used to manufacture concrete. (6marks)
b) Differentiate between reinforced and mass concrete. (3marks)
c) Explain how silt content can affect strength of concrete. (3marks)
d) Outline FOUR materials used as coarse aggregate and FOUR used as fine aggregates. (8marks)
e) Explain the need of compacting concrete. (3marks)
f) What is the role of curing water in concrete? (3marks)
g) Explain the term "hydration of cement" (4marks)

Question 1
a) Explain the following properties of fresh concrete
i) Workability.
ii) Bleeding.
iii) Segregation. (9marks)
b) Outline the procedure of carrying out the slump test and indicate the various types of slumps. (11marks)
Question 3
a) Outline FIVE properties of hardening concrete. (9marks)
b) Explain why concrete cube is referred as the most important test in concrete work. (2marks)
c) Briefly describe the bulkying test on fine aggregates. (5marks)
d) State Four precautions to be observed while placing concrete into formwork. (4marks)
Question 4
a)Outline SIX methods of transporting concrete. (9marks)
b) With aid of sketches explain the procedure of carrying out the compaction factor test. (11marks)
Question 5
a)Outline FOUR causes of deterioration of building stones. (6marks)
b) Briefly explain manufactures of bricks used in building construction. (8marks)
c) State FOUR properties of mortars used in masonry work. (4marks)
d) Explain how moisture movement in stones can affecttheir strength. (2marks)

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