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Form 3 Business Studies Term 3 Question Paper

Form 3 Business Studies Term 3 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1)Examine the similarities between a monopolistically competitive market and a perfectly competitive market

2)Explain the concept of price leadership in oligopoly

3)Explain what distribution of goods means

4)Briefly explain the meaning of channels of distribution

5)Highlight 3 factors that determine what channel to use when distributing goods

6)Discuss the roles of intermediaries in the distribution chain

7)Atana intends to set up an import business .Outline the various channels she can use when distributing goods in the domestic market

8)Discuss the view that wholesalers are unnecessary in the distribution of locally manufactured goods

9)State 3 items which are included when measuring national income using the income approach

10)State 3 items which constitute leakages from the circular flow of income

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