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Form 3 Business Studies Term 2 2015 Question Paper

Form 3 Business Studies Term 2 2015 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1)Outline 3 bases used to determine the size of a firm

2)Distinguish between:
A)pecuniary and real economies of scale
B)Production and selling economies of scale

3)State 3 benefits that a firm may derive from localization

4)Discuss 3 sources of external economies of scale to a firm

5)Discuss the factors that may influence the location of a firm

6)Outline 4 factors which may account for the existence of small firms in an economy

7)Outline 4 effects of production activities on the environment

8)Distinguish between pure and perfect competition

9)Briefly explain why perfect competition is not easy to attain in the real world

10)Outline 3 sources of monopoly power

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