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Business Studies Question Paper

Business Studies 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2016

1)Discuss 4 economies of scale arising from large scale production

2)Give reasons why a manufacturing firm might decide to change its location

3)The juakali industry is the fastest growing sector in the Kenyan economy. Explain

4)Discuss 3 sources of internal economies of scale which may accrue to a firm

5)Explain the meaning of imperfect competition

6)Discuss the various degrees of imperfect competition

7)Outline the salient features of firms under monopolistic competition

8)Explain the reasons why a business may engage in product differentiation to a manufacturer's competitors

9)Discuss 5 factors to consider when choosing a distribution channel

10)With the aid of a diagram,explain any 4 channels through which locally manufactured products can be distributed

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