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Ucu 103 Creative And Critical Thinking Question Paper

Ucu 103 Creative And Critical Thinking 

Course:Critical And Creative Thinking

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2016

Instructions answer question one and two
1. Inability to think critically and creatively is the biggest impediment to political cohesion and social integration in Kenya today discuss (30 marks)
2. The attainment of autonomy is the legitimate goal of human development. Discuss this in light to j.s mill"s essay on individuality (20 marks)
3. Explain and exemplify any four informal fallacies (20 marks)
4. Explain any four intellectual traits(tools of transformation) and justify why they should be enhanced in Kenya's political life
5. With reference to Kwasi wiredus article on "what philosophy can do for Africa", discuss the practicality of creative and critical thinking.

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