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Ccs 202:Computer Organization And Architecture Question Paper

Ccs 202:Computer Organization And Architecture 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: Maseno University question papers

Exam Year:2016

a)State five differences between computer organization and computer architecture
b)Explain the fetch and execution cycle in a MIPS architecture
c)What is the function of data path and control path in a typical computer architecture
d)Briefly explain the differences between RISC and CISC computer architecture
e)State Moore's law and explain its significance in modern day computer architecture designs
f)Differentiate between throughput and response time

a)Explain in detail about memory hierarchy with neat diagram
b)With the aid of a well labelled diagram explain the difference between Harvard and von-Neumann computer architectures

a)Design an ALU unit using basic logic gates to perform the following task
i)To perform binary addition and subtraction
ii)Be able to display result,overflow and zero result condition

b)Write short notes on floating point representation of numbers in computer architecture

a)What is pipelining ?Explain its importance in improving computer performance time with suitable examples
b)Draw the block diagram of a simple hardware algorithm for ALU design for addition and 2's complement subtraction and explain its working principle

a)State and explain the various stages in fetch and execution cycles in a MIPS based computer.
b)What is data hazard in computer architecture? How do you overcome it?What are its side effects?

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