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Ccs 311:Analysis And Design With Uml Question Paper

Ccs 311:Analysis And Design With Uml 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: Maseno University question papers

Exam Year:2016

Question 1
a)State and explain the THREE components of a message(10mks)
b)State and explain the THREE types of messages that an object can receive(10mks)
c)The class A is a basic class of the class B.The function mystery() is defined as a member both in A and B.If mystery is invoked on an object of the class B,which version of mystery will be executed? Explain your answer(10mks)

Question 2(20 marks)
Discuss information hiding and abstract data type outlining the fact that information hiding is a mechanism for implementing an abstract data type

Question 3(20 marks)
Although an ambulance,a fire engine and a hearse are all cars and therefore each has an engine and steering wheel,only the ambulance and the fire engine have sirens.The fire engine is the only one with a water tank.At certain times,the ambulance could be carrying a patient while the hearse could be carrying a corpse.
REQUIRED:Write down or draw UML diagram of all the classes in the narrative.

Question 4(20 marks)
A mouse and a bat are both rodents.To relocate,a bat flies while a mouse walks on all fours.A bird on the other hand flies just like the bat but while its body is covered with feathers,a mouse and a bat's body are covered with hair.All these three are animals.
REQUIRED:Write down or draw UML diagram of all the classes in the narrative.

Question 5(20 marks)
In a world where no same sex marriage are allowed,a man can marry a woman and a woman can likewise marry a man.Since both a woman and a man are human beings,each of them has a gender,name and many have a spouse who must of course be of the opposite sex.
REQUIRED:Write down or draw UML diagram of all the classes in the narrative.

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