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Ccs 204:Assembly Language Programming Question Paper

Ccs 204:Assembly Language Programming 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: Maseno University question papers

Exam Year:2016

a)Highlight five merits of assembly language programming over high level programming languages
b)Define the following terms
c)What is an assembler directive?State any two assembler directives and explain their use in 8051 microcontroller assembly language programming.
d)What are the three main types of computer programming languages?Give an example in each case
e)Outline the structure of a typical assembly language instruction and explain the function of each field
f)Explain the functions of the following special function register in a computer system
i)Program counter register
ii)Processor status word register
iii)Stack pointer
iv)Data pointer
v)Accumulator register

a)Draw a well labelled diagram of the architecture of 8051 microcontroller and explain the function of each unit
b)Write an assembly language program to add two binary numbers 1010b and 1100b.Find the 2's complement of the result,compare the final result with 0011b and if not eequal display the result on port 0 of 8051

a)Define the following addressing modes of 8051 and explain each addressing with suitable examples:
i.Register addressing mode
ii.Direct addressing mode
iii.Immediate addressing mode
iv.Indexed addressing mode
v.Absolute addressing mode
b)Write an assembly language program to logically AND 1111b and 0101b and transfer the result to external memory location 50h with a delay of ten machine cycles in between the instructions

a)Explain the assembling process in detail and state the importance of each stage
b)What is assembly language programming ?Write an asseemblt language program to continuously monitor the status of a switch connected to port pin p2.3 of 8051 microcontroller and send a square wave pulsed to p1.0 whenever the switch is closed.

a)Status and explain five major differences between microprocessors and microcontrollers.
b)With suitable examples, explain the five types of instructions available in assembly language programming

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