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Cre Standard 8 Question Paper

Cre Standard 8 

Course:Primary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2006


1. God created sea creatures and birds on the ______ day
A. 4th
B. 3rd
C. 5th
D. 2nd

2. Which of the following describes God's creation?
A. A complicated place of suffering
B. A wonderful world given to man
C. A place created for the rich to enjoy
D. A place only suitable for crawling animals to live in

3. The name 'Moses' means?
A. God is saviour
B. One saved from water
C. Born in manger
D. Son of God

4. One of the following was NOT among those chosen to take care of the Greek speaking widows. Who is that
A. Andrew
B. Philip
C. Proctorus
D. Nicanor

5. Whom did God give the ability to work in gold, silver, bronze, carving wood and other forms of art?
A. Balam
B. Bezalel
C. Levi
D. Solomon

6. Who of the following was saved by God from the great deluge?
A. Abraham
B. Lot
C. Noah
D. Jerah

7. Which two types of sexual misuse was Gomah involved in?
A. Prostitution and fornication
B. Adultery and prostitution
C. Rape and prostitution
D. Prostitution and incest

8. Which of the following occasions DOES NOT mark new life in ATR?
A. Birth of a child
B. Marriage
C. Initiation
D. Baptism

9. The following statements are obligations of the living towards the ancestors. Which one is NOT?
A. Naming children after them
B. Pouring libation to them
C. Giving them burnt offerings and sacrifices
D. Visiting them in grave yards

10. Which of the following is not a value?
A. Co-operation
B. Humility
C. Respect
D. Jealousy

11. Which one of the following is a cause of emotional suffering?
A. Brain damage due to an accident
B. Deprivation
C. Selection by friends and relatives
D. Injustice

12. Which one of the following is a value required in the breaking of bread?
A. Humility
B. Honesty
C. Patience
D. Hard work

13. Which of the following gifts presented to Baby Jesus showed that He was God?
A. Gold
B. Frankincense
C. Myrr
D. Silver

14. Which one of these parables teaches about the need for humility in prayer? The parable of
A. The Pharisee and the collector
B. The widow and the unjust judge
C. The prodigal son
D. The ten virgins

15. Who among the following people wanted to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit from John and Peter?
A. Barnabas
B. Ananias
C. Simon
D. Judas

16. Honesty is a Christian value which means
A. Impartial
B. Kind
C. Trustworthy
D. Respectful

17. Who said the following phrase: "Drink and I will also fring water for your camels"
A. Samaritan woman
B. Rebecca
C. Abigael
D. Laban

18. Which of the following two disciples were the first ones to be called?
A. John and James
B. Philip and Matthew
C. Peter and Andrew
D. Judas and Batholomew

19. The Apostle Paul worked as a
A. Farmer
B. Fisherman
C. Tent maker
D. Lawyer

20. The Christian denomination famous of establishing a hospital at Thogoto is
D. Deliverance Church

21. Who of the following were loyal friends?
A. Saul and David
B. David and Jonathan
C. Saul and Jonathan
D. Jonathan and Omri

22. The verse 'I can face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me' is found in the book of
A. Thessalonians
B. Philippians
C. Timothy
D. Titus

23. Peter the disciple of Jesus performed various miracles. Who of the following was healed by Peter at Lydda?
A. Aeneas
B. Dorcas
C. Tabitha
D. Eutyctius

24. Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God require for
A. God will be merciful to them
B. God will satisfy them
C. They will be called children of God
D. The kingdom of God belongs to them

25. The book from which Jesus read to the people in a Synagogue is
A. Jeremiah
B. Isaiah
C. Daniel
D. Luke

26. When the Israelites' soldiers shouted 'Sword for the Lord and Gideon' the Midianites
A. Took no notice
B. Slept on
C. Became braver
D. Ran away confused

27. All the following are fruits of the Holy spirit EXCEPT?
A. Knowledge
B. Self control
C. Patience
D. Peace

28. The sons of Noah were
A. Japheth, Absolom and Ham
B. Shem, Ham and Japheth
C. Ham, Japheth and Simon
D. Japheth, Shem and Simon

29. When Jesus appeared to his disciples after resurrection, they were
A. By the Sea of Galilee
B. Inside a house behind closed doors
C. Walking in the country side
D. Talking to Pharisees

30. Which of the following was not a missionary
A. Ludwig Krapf
B. David Living stone
C. John Rebman
D. Henry M. Stanley

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