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Mas 314:Research Methodology Question Paper

Mas 314:Research Methodology 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Applied Statistics

Institution: Maseno University question papers

Exam Year:2017

Answer question ONE and any other TWO questions.

Question One(30 marks)
(a)State 6 qualities of a good interviewer.(6 mks)
(b)State the parts of a research report(6mks)
(c)Give 4 advantages and 2 disadvantages of using closed ended questions in a questionnaire(6mks)
(d)State 6 rules pertaining to constructing questionnaires for data collection(6mks)
(e)State and briefly describe 3 stochastic methods of sampling (6mks)

Question Two(20 marks)
(a)Discuss five factors to consider when constructing a research design.Mention the implications of each consideration (10mks)
(b)Why is it essential to have a research plan and which are the items it should contain (explain five such items)(10mks)

Question Three (20 marks)
(a)State 4 non-random methods of data collection(4mks)
(b)A good sample design must pay attention to some critical requirements.State and explain four of these requirements(8mks)
(c)A biased sample is a product of some causes.When is a sample biased and which are these causes of bias(explain five causes)(6mks)

Question Four(20 marks)
(a)State 5 objectives of research(5mks)
(b)Using a research area of your choice (any similarity with a fellow student's choice will be assumed a cheating) design a 10 questions questionnaire with the following ingredients:
ii)5 point Likert scale type of question(s)(3mks)
iii)Open ended question(s)(2mks)
iv)Sensitive personal questions(3mks)
v)Optional questions(2mks)
vi)Adherence to rules on questionnaires(3mks)

Question Five(20 marks)
(a)Define response rate and give 5 ways of improving it(6mks)
(b)State 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of cross sectional research design(6mks)
c)Briefly discuss the Delphi research technique outlining its process and demerits(8mks)

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