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Ccs 302:Human Computer Interaction Question Paper

Ccs 302:Human Computer Interaction 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: Maseno University question papers

Exam Year:2017

Question one(30marks)
a)Identity and briefly explain the seven stages of Donald Norman's interaction model(6mks)
b)State and briefly explain any six characteristics of a good user interface(6mks)
c)Identity and briefly explain any six usability goals(6mks)
d)Enumerate Menus design issues(4mks)
e)Discuss briefly the steps involved in the process of effective interaction design (4mks)
f)State and briefly explain four limitations of interactive performance(4mks)

Question Two(20 marks)
HCI is a field that brings many disciplines together and is regarded as a highly multidisciplinary field.Identify and briefly explain any eight disciplines that are encompassed within HCI.(20mks)

Question Three(20marks)
a)Discuss five interactive design principles that should be applied to achieve a good interactive product that enhances human computer interaction(15mks)
b)List the steps involved in the process of interaction design(2mks)
c)State the core characteristics of interaction design (3mks)

Question Four(20marks)
a)Provide brief descriptions of any four usability inspection methods(8mks)
b)Identity any four usability attributes and briefly explain how each can be measured (8mks)
c)State four reasons why prototyping is important in interaction design(4mks)

Question Five(20marks)
Discuss the usability principles according to (Nielsen 2001) (20mks)

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