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Ccs 308:Software Engineering Question Paper

Ccs 308:Software Engineering 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: Maseno University question papers

Exam Year:2017

a)Outline three primary goals of software engineering(8mks)
b)Explain the meaning of Reverse engineering and highlight a possible goal;within the context of software engineering (3mks)
c)Differentiate between functional and non-functional requirements in a software system(4mks)
d)Explain system modelling and hence describe its importance(4mks)
e)Atieno is a team leader,and her development team has less experience on similar projects;Given waterfall,spiral,RAD,and incremental.Which model can be most appropriate in this situation?Justify your answer.(3mks)
g)Consider the prototyping and spiral models of software engineering;
i)Outline two known strengths of each(4mks)
ii)Outline one weakness in each(2mks)
iii)Outline a characteristic or type of the projects where each is most suitable(2mks)

a)Compare and contrast software development and software maintenance(6mks)
b)Explain four ethical issues that Software Engineers are required to observe in order to promote Software Engineering as a profession(6mks)
c)Describe requirements engineering and hence explain the major phases in the requirement engineering process(8mks)

a)Briefly describe four main attributes of a good software(4mks)
b)There are no universal software engineering methods and techniques that are suitable for all systems.Perhaps the most significant factor in determining which software engineering methods and techniques are most important is the type of application that is being developed. Explain any three types of application. (6mks)
c)Explain the meaning of software maintenance,and hence explain the various categories that exist,giving a valid example in each case(10mks)

a)Define Software engineering; according to the IEEE ;and state two primary reasons according to"Ian Somerville" that justifies its importance (5mks)
b)Assume that you are a lead developer of a software company and you have been asked to submit a project/product within a stipulated timeframe with no cost barriers,which model would you select?Given Waterfall,Spiral,RAD,and Incremental.Justify your answer.(5mks)
c)Rick D. Craig and Stefan P. Jaskiel-2002,view software testing to be conducted in a systematic way,they suggest different levels of testing.Briefly explain the levels.(10mks)

a)Distinguish between alpha and beta testing(4mks)
b)Define Software Quality,and hence discuss five factors that are attributed to Software Quality(6mks)
c)Discuss the Spiral model of software engineering;support your answer with a suitable diagram(10mks)

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