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Ccs 209:Operating System Question Paper

Ccs 209:Operating System 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: Maseno University question papers

Exam Year:2016

Question one(30 marks)
a)Explain the following terms in relation to the study of operating systems(10mks)
i)Critical section
iii)Batch systems
iv)Timesharing systems
v)Mutual exclusion

b)State any five functions of an operating system(4mks)
c)Explain any two scheduling algorithms used in interactive system(6mks)
d)Memory is an important resource that must be managed properly to enhance the performance of a computer system.
i)Define the term memory management(2mks)
ii)Distinguish between swapping and virtual memory as strategies for memory management.(4mks)
e)Describe two models that are used to map user threads to kernel threads (4mks)

Question Two(20 marks)
a)Differentiate between a program and a process(2mks)
b)Explain the various states of a process ,with the aid of process state transition diagram(10mks)
c)State and briefly explain any four performance measures(metrics) to be considered when designing a scheduling algorithm.(8mks)

Question Three(20 marks)
a)Explain any two types of files used by an operating system (4mks)
b)Study the following information about a set of processes and then answer the following questions.
The burst time of each process is in milliseconds.
ProcessArrival timeBurst timeP1020P235P3530P462i)Draw a Gantt showing the execution of processes using Round Rubin (quantum=5) scheduling algorithm (4mks)
ii)Determine the average waiting time for the algorithm (4mks)
iii)Determine the average turnaround time for the algorithm (4mks)
iv)Determine the average response time for the algorithm (4mks)

Question Four(20marks)
a)Distinguish between preemptive and non-preemptive resources ,giving examples in each case. (4mks)
b)Deadlock is an undesirable condition in operating systems that must be handled carefully in order to enhance the efficiency of operating systems.
i)Define the term deadlock. (2mks)
ii)State and explain any four conditions that must hold for a deadlock to occur.(8mks)
c)Explain any two ways in which files can be implemented in a computer memory (6mks)

Question Five(20 marks)
a)Distinguish between fixed size partitions and variable size partitions as means of memory management, provide any advantages and disadvantages. (8mks)
b)Describe the concept of virtual memory systems (6mks)
c)In a dynamically memory assignment,an operating system uses memory management with Bitmaps and memory management with Linked lists to keep track of memory usage.Briefly explain how the two methods are achieved.(6mks)

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