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Ccs 308:Research Methods And Technical Writing Question Paper

Ccs 308:Research Methods And Technical Writing 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: Maseno University question papers

Exam Year:2017

Answer ALL questions in SECTION A and any other TWO from SECTION B
Question One(30 marks)
a)State the meaning of the term Research from the academic point of view.(2mks)
b)Differentiate between the following terms
i)Conceptual and Empirical literature (4mks)
ii)Research Questions and Research Hypothesis(4mks)
c)As a research student explain why you would include 'Suggested Areas for Further Studies' as an important section in your project report(3mks)
d)(i)Footnoting is quite similar to the modern day numbering format as referencing formats.Explain why some authors may still prefer footnoting as opposed to the modern referencing formats.(3mks)
ii)List the Four essential elements of the New APA style of referencing.(4mks)
e)Briefly outline components considered critical to any research proposal.(10mks)

Question Two(20 marks)
a)Briefly outline Five points that demonstrate the significance of research.(5mks)
b)As a research research student you need to carry out research in the field of computer science.With the aid of well labelled sketches briefly outline the various steps that you need to undertake in the process of carrying out research. (15mks)

Question Three(20 marks)
a)Computers have become very essential devices in aiding researchers in carrying out research in their own fields of specialization .Imagine you are a student researcher,briefly discuss ANY TWO of the SIX most important characteristics of a computer. (4mks)
b)Despite computers being very handy in assisting researchers carry out analysis of research data collected ,on the other hand they do have some limitations. As a computer science student discuss the Three main limitations of computer systems.(16mks)

Question Four(20 marks)
a)Students working on research project have to prepare a report of what had been done.Writing of the report has to be done with great care keeping in mind proper layout of the report. Assuming you have a research project report to work on,briefly outline a layout of what is considered as a standard project report. (10mks)
b)In a research project report one of the very key chapter is 'Summary of Findings, Conclusion,and Recommendations'.Discuss this chapter.(10mks)

Question Five(20 marks)
a)In most research project reports,chapter four is based on 'Data Presentation ,Analysis and Discussion'.Outline the functions of this chapter.(10mks)
b)Explain the importance of Statistics in the analysis of data in research taking into account both descriptive and inferential statistics. (10mks)

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