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Ccs 213:System Analysis And Design Question Paper

Ccs 213:System Analysis And Design 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: Maseno University question papers

Exam Year:2016

Answer question ONE and any other TWO questions.
a)Differentiate between system analysis and system design. (4mks)
b)Discuss briefly any five requirement elicitation techniques(10mks)
c)Differentiate between information technology, information systems and software(6mks)
d)A company could obtain software either by buying a ready made package or commissioning its own .Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of buying a package.(6mks)
e)Discuss two types of feasibility studies that are done during the planning phase of a system's development cycle. (4mks)

Draw a Data Flow Diagram for the following scenario:-
•Employees at a manufacturing company are paid each week.
•Their working hours are recorded manually on timesheets. The hours consist of standard hours and possibly overtime hours.
•The timesheets are collected each week and the details are input in to the system.
•The data is verified and validated by the accounts department then valid data is written to the payroll transactions file.Invalid entries are output to an error report.
•The transactions file is used to update the employee master file,and cheques and payslips are printed.
•A payroll summary report is also printed for the Accounts Department.

a)New systems developed in-house frequently require a complex suite of programs. During the development of the system,testing will take place at different levels and at different times.
Discuss Four different types of testing that could take place.(8mks)
b)Define the following terms
i)Legacy systems
ii)BPR(Business Process Reengineering)
iii)CASE tools
iv)System request.
c)A new package must be installed and probably customized.Define these two terms. (4mks)

a)After a systems analyst has completed investigations and analysis for a new system,he draws up a system requirement specification.Identify and explain the elements of specification. (10mks)
b)Discuss any three types of systems (6mks)
c)Outline any four skill required of a project manager (4mks)

a)A fast-food organization has expanded the number of outlets around a city.At the moment the outlets use conventional cash tills.The organization would like to implement a Point-Of-Sale(POS) system in all its outlets with linkages to a centralized computer.
Assume you are the organization's systems analyst and you have been asked to assist in the conversion process from the existing system to a new one.
i)Describe the change-over options that are available and recommend the most suitable method for the new system. (12mks)
b)Briefly discuss any two methods you can use to deal with user resistance to the deployment of the new system.(3mks)
c)Outline the steps of waterfall model.(5mks)

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