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Ccs 312:Mobile Computing Question Paper

Ccs 312:Mobile Computing 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: Maseno University question papers

Exam Year:2017

Question one(30 marks)
a)Using a five column table ,relate between the five generations of Mobile communication devices in the following two aspects:packet transfer and data encryption.(10mks)
b)With the illustrated aid of the relevant graphs ,explain the generation of the 4 conventional modulation types for sinusoidal signal.(8mks)
c)Using a six stage algorithm ,explain the First In First Out replacement procedure.(12mks)

Question Two(20 marks)

RF Channels(kHz)Used Cells982992100410171021103310491053
a)The above table indicates RF-Channels range(kHz) with the corresponding number of Used-Cells values in a certain area.With the excerpt ranging from 98kHz to 105kHz,calculate the following cell values.
i)The value of Channels per cell for this area (4mks)
ii)the Reuse factor for this area of coverage(4mks)
iii)The Mean Range for Allowance(4mks)
b)Outline 3 differences between the Mobile IP and the IPv6 protocols.(6mks)
c)Define the term Handover(2mks)

Question Three(20 marks)
a)Outline 3 differences between Space division multiple access(SDMA) and Code division multiple access(CDMA).(6mks)
b)The following table is a depiction as to why the principles of Orthogonality makes CDMA stand-out.

Speeding SequenceTransmitted SequenceS1-1+1+1-1+1-1+1-1S2+1+1-1-1+1 0 -1+1S3+1 0 +1-1-1+1-1+1S4+1 0 +1 0+1+1-1+1
i)Deduce the resultant Signals to S1,S2,S3 and S4 upon code multiplexing.(8mks)
ii)Also illustrate (i) above four procedures graphically. (6mks)

Question Four(20 marks)
a)With the aid of an operation sketch,explain the three stage Dynamic host configuration protocol operation exchange between a client and a server.(3mks)
b)With the aid of the cellular structures, explain the following concepts:
ii)frequency reuse(3mks)
iii)channel per cell(3mks)
c)With reference to a Bittorent Peer to Peer algorithm, explain the 4 stage operation of a mobile peer to peer distribution.(8mks)

Question Five(20 marks)
a)With the aid of a block diagram,explain the WAP-Architecture layout.(6mks)
b)Using the layer diagram,explain the WAP-Protocol-Stack,thus distinguish it from the OSI-Model.(6mks)
c)Explain the standard VoIP operation procedure for mobile device.(8mks)

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