Efn102:History Of Education Question Paper

Efn102:History Of Education 

Course:History Of Education

Institution: Machakos University question papers

Exam Year:2016

1a)Distinguish between history and history of education as academic disciplines (4marks )

b)describe the structure of elementary and secondary education in ancient Egypt (12marks)

c)outline four factors that contributed to the rise of medieval universities in Europe 4marks)

d)cite six contributions made by missionaries to development of education in colonial kenya (6marks

e)identify four challenges facing the free primary education program in kenya (4marks)

2a) outline six characteristics of indigenous african education (12marks)

b)explain four factors that promoted the expansion of education in kenya after independence (8marks)

3a)Describe six main features of Islamic education (12marks)
b)Identify eight contributions of Islamic education to modern education (8marks)

4a)describe the educational reforms initiated by mwalimu Julius k. nyerere in post colonial Tanzania

b)outline the type of education opposed by Jean Jacques Rousseau (8marks)

5a)state six recommendations of the education commission of Kenya 1964 (Ominde report)

b)Discuss 7 challenges faced in implimentation of the 8-4-4 system of education in Kenya 12marks)

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