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Form 4 Cre Paper 1Bungoma East Sub County Clustered Evaluation Test 2016 Question Paper

Form 4 Cre Paper 1Bungoma East Sub County Clustered Evaluation Test 2016 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016

Paper 1
March/April 2016
Time:2 hours


Answer any 5 questions.

1. a)From the Genesis stories of creation,outline seven teachings about human beings.(7mks)
b)With relevance to the story of the fall of human beings in Genesis 3, state effects of sin on Adam and Eve. (8mks)
c)What are the consequences of breaking taboos in traditional African communities?(5mks)

2. a)Outline the activities carried out by the Israelites on the night of the Passover.(5mks)
b)Explain reasons why the Israelites broke the covenant while at my. Sinai.(8mks)
c)Identify seven challenges that Christians face while practising their faith in Kenya today.(7mks)

3. a)Describe the nature of the Canaanite religion. (7mks)
b)Identify ways in which King Jeroboam contributed to the religious schism between Judah and Israel.(6mks)
c)Identify the causes of power struggle in the church in Kenya today.(7mks)

4. a)Outline six characteristics of the true prophets in
the Old testament.(6mks)
b)Outline the teaching of prophet Amos on social justice and responsibility.(8mks)
c)How is the church promoting social justice in Kenya today? (6mks)

5. a)Outline the problems that Nehemiah encountered in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem.(7mks)
b)State promises that the Israelites made when they renewed their covenant with God during the time of Nehemiah(Nehemiah 10:28-29).(7mks)
c)State six ways in which church leaders communicate God's message to people in Kenya today.(6mks)

6. a)Identify practices in traditional african communities that show their belief in life after death.(8mks)
b)Outline ways through which a marriage partner is chosen in traditional african communities.(7mks)
c)Why is death feared in traditional african communities?(5mks)

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