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Form 4 313/2:C.R.E Ungoma East Sub County Clustered Evaluation Test 2016 Question Paper

Form 4 313/2:C.R.E Ungoma East Sub County Clustered Evaluation Test 2016 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016

Paper 2
March/April 2016
Time:2 hours


Answer any 5 questions.
1. a)Outline the message of angel Gabriel to Mary in Luke 1:26-38.(6mks)
b)Explain what the magnificant reveals about the nature of God.(7mks)
c)Identify seven qualities shown by Jesus when he accompanied his parents to the temple at the age of twelve.(7mks)

2. a)Outline the story of the raising of the widows son at Nain (Lk 7:11-17)(7mks)
b)Explain four reasons why Jesus faced opposition from the Pharisees in Galilee(Lk 5:12-6:11)(8mks)
c)Give the lessons that christians learn from the transfiguration of Jesus.(5mks)

3. a)Describe the healing of Baurtimaeus the blind beggar.(Lk 18:33-43)(7mks)
b)Explain the four Jesus' teaching on the way of salvation.(8mks)
c)Why is the death of Jesus important to Christians?(5mks)

4. a)Give six reasons why Jesus sent the Holy spirit to the disciples after His ascension.(6mks)
b)Identify four teachings of Saint Paul on the similarities between the church and husband wife relationship.(Ephesians 5:21-32)(8mks)
c)Outline the contribution of women in the church in Kenya today.(7mks)

5. a)State the factors that have led to misuse of drugs in Kenya today.(7mks)
b)In what ways can drug addicts be assisted to overcome the problem.(7mks)
c)Identify leisure activities today which were practiced in traditional African society.(6mks)

6. a)Explain the Christian view on plastic surgery in Kenya today.(8mks)
b)Identify ways in which science and technology has promoted promiscuity in the society today.(5mks)
c)How can the youth in the church carry out environmental restoration in Kenya today?(7mks)

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