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311/2:History And Government Form 4 Question Paper

311/2:History And Government Form 4 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2016

Name................................................ Index No................
School.........................…...... Candidate's signature.....
Paper 2
Time:21/2 Hours

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education(KCSE)

>This paper consists of six questions.
>Answer any five questions from this paper in the answer booklet provided.
>Each question carry 20 marks.
>Answers to ALL questions must be written in English.

Section A:(25 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
1.Give two ways in which anthropology contributes to information on History and Government.(2mks)
2.Give the main reason why early agriculture developed in Egypt.(1mk)
3.Identify two chemical methods of dating materials used by archeologists.(2mks)
4.Give two inventions that led to the agrarian revolution in Britain. (2mks)
5.Name one metal that was used as currency in precolonial Africa. (1mk)
6.Identify two demerits of smoke signals as used in traditional communications. (2mks)
7.Identify one use of steel during the industrial revolution.(1mk)
8.Mention two characteristics of industrial revolution in Europe.(2mks)
9.Give two social functions of the ancient city of Athens in Greece.(2mks)
10.How did the Shona refer to their God.(1mk)
11.State two sources of British law.(2mks)
12.Mention the French method of administration that replaced the assimilation policy.(1mk)
13.Identify two differences between British and French colonial administration.(2mks)
14.Identify the immediate cause of Second world war.(1mk)
15.Mention two ways in which the treaty of Versailles signed in 1919 affected German.(2mks)
16.Identify three chartered companies that were used to administer European possessions in Africa. (3mks)
17.State one way in which African collaboration with Europeans hastened colonization in Africa. (1mk)

Section B:(45 Marks)
Answer any three questions from this ssection.
18. a)State five reasons why early people domesticated crops and animals.(5mks)
b)Explain five causes of food shortages in Africa today.(10mks)

19. a)Mention five economic activities carried out in Buganda kingdom in the 19th century. (5mks)
b)Explain five factors for the growth of Shona kingdom. (10mks)

20. a)Mention five reasons for the failure of Maji Maji uprising. (5mks)
b)Discuss the positive consequences of the Maji Maji rebellion. (10mks)

21. a)Give the problems faced by the factory workers in Europe during the industrial revolution. (3mks)
b)Why did the industrial revolution take place in Britain ahead of other European countries. (12mks)

Section C:(30 Marks)
Answer two questions from this section.
22. a)Give reasons why the Central powers were defeated in the 1st World war. (5mks)
b)Describe five social effects of the Second world war. (10mks)

23. a)Outline five terms of the Berlin conference. (5mks)
b)Discuss the effects of partitioning the African continent.(10mks)

24. a)Discuss why the League of Nations failed to preserve world peace.(5mks)
b)Explain causes of the 2nd world war.(10mks)

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