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313/1:C.R.E Form 4 Cre Paper 1 Question Paper

313/1:C.R.E Form 4 Cre Paper 1 


Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2016

Name................................................ Index No................
School.........................…...... Candidate's signature.....
Paper 1
Time:21/2 Hours

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education(KCSE)

>This paper consists of six questions.
>Answer any five questions from this paper in the answer booklet provided.
>Each question carry 20 marks.
>Answers to ALL questions must be written in English.
1. a)Identify eight activities performed by God in the second account of creation.(Gen 2:4-25)
b)Outline similarities between traditional african view of evil and the Biblical concept of sin.(7mks)
c)Give five reasons why Christians should forgive others.(5mks)

2. a)Describe the role played by Moses in the history of israelites.(5mks)
b)What were the physical effects of Pharaoh's refusal to release the people of Israel from Egypt?(8mks)
c)Identify seven moral values Christians can learn from the Decalogue.(7mks)

3.a)State seven factors that led to the spread of idolatry in Israel.(7mks)
b)State six characteristics of the Canaanite religion.(6mks)
c)Identify various forms of idolatry that threaten Christianity in Kenya today.(7mks)

4. a)Explain six ways in which prophets messages were written in the Old testament.(6mks)
b)Identify seven events that would take place during the day of the Lord according to prophet Amos.(7mks)
c)Identify seven social evils prophet Amos would condemn today if he lived in our society.(7mks)

5. a)Describe the personal life of prophet Jeremiah.(8mks)
b)Outline Nehemiahs reforms on observing the sabbath.(5mks)
c)Identify seven ways in which christians observe the day of worship.(7mks)

6. a)Describe the traditional African understanding of God. (8mks)
b)Outline seven teachings on the meaning of life and its wholeness in the traditional african society.(7mks)
c)Outline the changing attitude to birth and naming in the society today.(5mks)

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