313/2:C.R.E Form 4 Cre Paper 2 Question Paper

313/2:C.R.E Form 4 Cre Paper 2 


Institution: Form 4 Mock question papers

Exam Year:2016

Name................................................ Index No................
School.........................…...... Candidate's signature.....
Paper 2
21/2 Hours

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education(KCSE)

>This paper consists of six questions.
>Answer any five questions from this paper in the answer booklet provided.
>Each question carry 20 marks.
>Answers to ALL questions must be written in English.

1. a)Explain seven circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus according to saint Luke's gospel.(7mks)
b)What did the angel Gabriel reveal to Mary about Jesus?(7mks)
c)What lessons can the Christians learn about God from the magnificent?(6mks)

2. a)Describe the call of Levi in Luke 5v27-32.(7mks)
b)State seven reasons why the Jewish people rejected Jesus as the Messiah.(7mks)
c)Why should a person accept the Christian faith.(6mks)

3. a)How did Jesus prepare his disciples for his coming death?(8mks)
b)Outline four actions taken by the Jewish leaders to ensure that Jesus was put to death.(8mks)
c)In which way can Christians respond to those opposed to their work?(5mks)

4. a)Write down any six fruits of the holy spirit as taught by Paul in Galatians 5v22-23.(6mks)
b)Outline teachings of Paul on proper use of the gifts of speaking in tongues and prophecy. (7mks)
c)Identify seven ways in which the gifts of the holy spirit are manifested in church today (7mks)

5. a)Explain eight reasons why polygamy is prapracticed in Traditional African communities.(8mks)
b)Why do some Christians break the marriage vows?(6mks)
c)Identify problems associated with polygamous marriage in Kenya today.(6mks)

6. a)Outline factors which have led to the increase of crime in society today.(7mks)
b)Identify seven consequences of criminal activities in society(7mks)
c)State and explain six ways in which the church can curb crime.(6mks)

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