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Form 4 History And Government Term 1 Question Paper

Form 4 History And Government Term 1 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016

SECTION A(25 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section

1.Give four responsibilities of a government(2mks)
2.Give two limitations of electronic sources as a source of information on history.(2mks)
3.What evidence exists to prove that the Khoisan lived in Kenya in the past.(2mks)
4.Name one community in Kenya who belong to the River-Lake Nilotes.(1mk)
5.State one way in which the Moonsoon winds led to the development of trade between the Kenyan Coast and the outside world.(1mk)
6.Identify the main item of trade during the reign of Seyyid Said.(1mk)
7.Identify two reasons why the Portuguese attempt to spread Christianity along the East African Coast failed.(2mks)
8.What was the main challenge faced by education sector in Kenya during the coloniak period.(1mk)
9.Give one reason why human rights are monitored by special groups in Kenya.(1mk)
10.Name two Kikuyu independent churches that emerged in Kenya during the colonial period.(2mks)
11.Name two types of constitutions.(2mks)
12.Identify two labour organizations that fought for independence in Kenya.(2mks)
13.Differentiate between a de jure and a defacto one party state.(1mk)
14.Which important political change took place in Kenya in 1991.(1mk)
15.Give the main reason why KADU was formed.(1mk)
16.Who swears in the speaker of the National Assembly in Kenya?(1mk)
17.Mention any two basic functions of prison's sentence.(2mks)

18. a)Why did the Bantu migrate from their coastal settlement at Shungwaya in the sixteenth Century.(3mks)
b)Describe the political organization of the Akamba during the colprecolonial period.(12mks)
19. a)State the characteristics of the Coastal City States by 1500 A.D.(5mks)
b)Explain five factors which led to the decline of Coastal towns between 1500 and 1700.(10mks)
20. a)State five problems that faced early political organizations in Kenya upto 1939.(5mks)
b)Explain five achievements of early political parties in Kenya during the colonial period.(10mks)
21. a)Give five reasons why Africans started independent churches and schools in Kenya during the Colonial Period.(5mks)
b)Explain five problems experienced by trade union movements in Kenya during the colonial period.(10mks)

SECTION C(30 Marks)
Answer any two questions in this section
22. a)State five specific rights of children in the constitution.(5mks)
b)Discuss five values of a good citizen as per the constitution of Kenya.(10mks)
23. a)State three ways in which the rule of law is applied in Kenya.(3mks)
b)Describe six challenges facing the judiciary in Kenya.(12mks)
24. a)Identify three functions of the correctional facilities in Kenya.(12mks)

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