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Form Four-History And Government Term Two Exam - 2016 Question Paper

Form Four-History And Government Term Two Exam - 2016 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016

NAME:...................................................... ADM NO:......... DATE:.......... SREAM:......

Section A:25 Marks
Answer all questions in this section
1.What was the main reason why Malindi welcomed the Portuguese in the 16th century?(1mk)
2.Give two major exports from the Kenyan coast by 1500 AD.(2mks)
3.Identify two written evidence of contracts between the Kenyan coast and outside world before 1500 AD.(2mks)
4.Identify one feature of African farming during the colonial period. (1mk)
5.State the main function of the parliament in Kenya.(1mk)
6.Identify two types of landholding in Kenya.(2mks)
7.Name the second prime minister in Kenya.(1mk)
8.Name the period in History that relies on excavated materials and fossils. (1mk)
9.Identify the archeological site in Kenya where the Ramapithecus remains were discovered. (1mk)
10.Name two roles of age set system among the maasai.(2mks)
11. Give two evidences which show that the Portuguese ruled on the Kenyan Coast.(2mks)
12.State two technological factors that facilitated the coming of the early visitors to the Kenyan coast.(2mks)
13.Name the dispersal point of the River Lake Nilotes before sailing in their present day homeland.(1mk)
14.Name the Treaty that was signed to Partition East Africa 1890.(1mk)
15.Give two political reasons why the Ugandan railway was built.(2mks)
16.Identify the main feature of education system during colonial period.(1mk)
17.State two reasons why Kipande system was introduced in Kenya.(2mks)

Section B:45 Marks
Answer any three questions in this section.
18. a)Give five reasons for the migration and settlement of the Iteso in Kenya in the 19th century. (5mks)
b)Explain the results of the interaction between the Nilotes and Bantu in Kenya.(10mks)

19. a)State the reasons why some African communities in Kenya resisted the establishment of the British rule in Kenya. (3mks)

b)Describe the way of life of the people who lived in the coastal city states by 1500AD.(12mks)

20.a)Name seven trade items obtained from the interior of East African during the long distance .(7mks)
b)Explain the impact of missionary activities in East African in the 19th century.(8mks)

21. a)Give five reasons why Africans started independent churches and schools in Kenya during the Colonial Period.(5mks)
b)Explain five problems experienced by trade union movements in Kenya during the colonial period.(10mks)

Section C:30 Marks
Answer any two questions.
22. a)State five specific rights of children in the constitution.(5mks)
b)Discuss five values of a good citizen as per the constitution of Kenya.(10mks)
23. a)State three ways in which the rule of law is applied in Kenya.(3mks)
b)Describe six challenges facing the judiciary in Kenya.(12mks)
24. a)Identify three functions of the correctional facilities in Kenya.(12mks)
b)Name the three types of democracy. (3mks)

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