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Form Four-History And Government Term One Exam -2015 Question Paper

Form Four-History And Government Term One Exam -2015 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2015

NAME:...................................................... ADM NO:......... DATE:.......... SREAM:......

Section A-25Mks
Answer all questions in section A.
1.Mention any two basic functions of prison's sentence.(2mks)
2.Identify 2 subgroups of the Kalenjin speakers.(2mks)
4.Give two ways through which knowledge in marine technology facilitated the coming of the early visitors to the Kenyan coast.(2mks)
5.Identify the town that was established by the missionaries in Kenya as a centre for the freed slaves during the 19th century.(1mk)
6.Give two reasons why Seyyid Said moved his capital from Muscat to Zanzibar.(2mks)
7.Give two peaceful methods of resolving conflicts in Kenya. (2mks)
8.Give one reason why human rights are monitored by special groups in Kenya.(1mk)
9.Name the body that made laws in Kenya during the colonial period.(1mk)
10.State the main results of the Lyttleton constitutional amendment in 1954.(1mk)
11.Name the first African to be appointed as minister of Kenya by the colonial government in 1954.(1mk)
12.Name the leader who stepped down as the president for KAU for Kenyatta.(1mk)
13.Which important political change took place in Kenya in 1991.(1mk)
14.Identify two labour organizations that fought for independence in Kenya. (1mk)
15.State two roles played by women in the struggle for independence in Kenya. (2mks)
16.Identify the main type of political democracy exercised in Kenya. (1mk)
17.Name any Portuguese army commander during the conquest of the East African Coast in the 15th Century.( 1mk)

Section B:45 Mks
Answer any three questions
18. a)Give five results of the migration and settlement of the Agikuyu in precolonial period. (10mks)
b)Describe the social-political organization of the Nandi during the precolonial period.(10mks)

19. a)Why did the Bantu migrate from their coastal settlement at Shungwaya in the sixteenth Century.(3mks)

b)Describe the political organization of the Akamba during the colprecolonial period.(12mks)
20. a)Identify any three terms of the Devonshire white paper 1923.(3mks)
b)Explain six measures taken by colonialists to ensure adequate supply of labour to settler farms.(12mks)

21. a)Name the three types of democracy. (3mks)
b)Explain the results of the Mau Mau uprising of 1948.(12mks)

Section C:30 Marks
Answer any two questions
22. a)Identify the importance of national integration. (5mks)
b)Explain the hindrances to the national unity in Kenya. (10mks)

23. a)State five specific rights of children in the new constitution. (5mks)
b)Discuss five values of a good Kenyan citizen according to the constitution of Kenya.(10mks)

24.a)Outline seven features of the new 2010 constitution. (7mks)
b)Briefly explain eight constitutional changes or amendments in Kenya since independence.(8mks)

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