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Form 1 Term 2 2017 Cre Question Paper

Form 1 Term 2 2017 Cre 


Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2017

1.a)How does the study of CRE promote National Value of Education
b)state reasons why the bible is referred to as the word of God
c)List seven Apocryphal books
2.a)Give 5 reasons why the bible is referred as the library
b)outline Major divisions of the bible
c)List five major prophetic books
3.a)outline major stages of bible translation
b)Give reasons for bible translation
c)What are the effects of bible translation
4.a)Discuss God's work of ornamentation
b)What do Christians learn about God from creation story's
c)Describe the second creation account
5.a)Compare the two creation accounts
b)outline the teachings from the biblical creation account
c)state the consequences of sin according to biblical accounts

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