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Form 4 Bungoma East Sub County Clustered Evaluation Test 2016 History And Government Paper 2 Question Paper

Form 4 Bungoma East Sub County Clustered Evaluation Test 2016 History And Government Paper 2 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016

History and Government
Paper 2
March/April 2016
2 1/2 hours.

Bungoma East Sub County Clustered Evaluation Test 2016
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education(KCSE)

Instructions to candidates:
I.This paper consists of Three Sections:A,B and C
II.Answer all the questions in section A,three questions in section B and two questions in section C.

Section A(25 marks)
1.Define the term archeology as a source of information in History and Government.(1mk)
2.State two stages of evolution according to Charles Darwin's Theory.(2mks)
3.Identify one theory that explain the origin of agriculture (1mk)
4.Give one land use system before the agrarian revolution .(1mk)
5.Name two materials which were used for writing on messages in early times.(2mks)
6.Why was the silent trade practiced during Trans Saharan trade?(1mk)
7.Name the scientist who discovered the use of antiseptic during surgery.(1mk)
8.State two factors that led to the growth of Meroe as an urban centre.(2mks)
9.Identify one treaty signed between the British and Lobengula during the process of colonization.(1mk)
10.What was the main role of religion in resisting colonialism among africans ?(1mk)
11.Name two titles of Swahili officials in the German administration in Tanganyika.(2mks)
12.State two qualifications for one to be assimilated in French West africa.(2mks)
13.Give one reason why Schlieften plan failed during the First world war.(1mk)
14.Identify the main cause of the cold war.(1mk)
15.Give one reason for the entry of U.S.A into the Second world war.(1mk)
16.What is the main role of international criminal court.(1mk)
17.Name the head of state in Britain.(1mk)

Section B(45 mks)
Answer any three questions in this section.
18.a)Name five physical changes that occurred in early human beings as they evolved from ape-like creatures to modern man.(5mks)
b)Explain how development of early agriculture changed the lives of early man.(10mks)

19.a)State the problems faced by factory workers in Europe during the industrial revolution.(3mks)
b)Discuss various ways in which modern society has benefitted from Telecommunucation.(12mks)

20.a)Outline five characteristics of direct rule as practiced in Zimbabwe.(5mks)
b)Explain the results of the collaboration of Lewanika.(10mks)
21.a)Identify three factors that led to the defeat of the central powers in the World war 1.(3mks)
b)Explain six reasons why the League of Nations failed to maintain world peace.(12mks)

Section C(30 marks)
Answer any two questions in this section.
22.a)Give three reasons why the non-aligned movement was formed.(3mks)
b)Discuss six resuts of the Cold war in the war.(12mks)
23.a)State three importance of regional cooperation in africa.(3mks)
b)Explain the challenges facing COMESA.(12mks)
24.a)State five roles of the USA congress.(5mks)
b)Explain in five ways in which parliamentary supremacy is guaranteed in Britain .(10mks)

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