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Form 4 History And Government Paper 1 Bungoma County Joint Inter Schools Evaluation Test 2015 Question Paper

Form 4 History And Government Paper 1 Bungoma County Joint Inter Schools Evaluation Test 2015 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2015

History and Government
Paper 1
July/August 2015
2 1/2 hours.

Bungoma County Joint InterSchools Evaluation Test 2015
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education(KCSE)

Instructions to candidates:
I.This paper consists of Three Sections:A,B and C
II.Answer all the questions in section A,three questions in section B and two questions in section C.

Section A(25 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section
1.Differentiate between the terms prehistory and history.(2mks)
2.Identify the main dispersal point of the Western Bantu.(1mk)
3.State two cultural practices that the Bantu and Nilotes borrowed from the Southern cushites.(2mks)
4.State the main reason that forced the Eastern Bantu to migrate from Shungwaya.(1mk)
5.State two reasons why the Akamba long distance trade came to an end by 1870 A.D.(2mks)
6.State two documentary evidences to show there was international contact between east africa and the outside world before 1500 AD.(2mks)
7.Give the main reason why the government of Kenya introduced the constituency development fund.(1mk)
8.State one way in which the government has promoted the culture of the people of Kenya since independence.(1mk)
9.Give one reason why the government of Kenya may limit a person's freedom of speech.(1mk)
10.Give one house committee of parliament that deals with government financial matters.(1mk)
11.State two ways in which the rule of law is applied in Kenya.(2mks)
12.State the main reason why the second Lancaster house conference was held in 1962.(1mk)
13.Give two reasons why the government of Kenya prepares a national budget.(2mks)
14.State one way in which the national government relates with the county government.(1mk)
15.Name two monies that the county government receives from the national government. (2mks)
16.State two functions of the prison warders.(2mks)
17.Identify the national philosophy adopted at independence.(1mk)

Section B
Answer any three questions
18.a)State five economic activities of the Borana during the precolonial period.(5mks)
b)Describe the social organization of the Maasai during the precolonial period.(10mks)
19.a)State three reasons to the coming of the portuguese to the Kenyan coast in the 15th century.(3mks)
b)Explain six factors that contributed to the development of trade between the Kenyan coast and the outside world by 1500 AD.(12mks)

20.a)Give five factors that influenced the location of urban centres in Kenya during the colonial period.(5mks)
b)Explain five factors which led to the migration of africans to urban areas in Kenya during the colonial period.(10mks)
21.a)Give five grievances of the Kikuyu Central Association which were presented by Jomo Kenyatta to the colonial secretary in 1926.(5mks)
b)Explain five factors that promoted the rise of african nationalism in Kenya after 1945.(10mks)

Section C
Answer any two questions
22.a)State three circumstances that can make a Kenyan citizen to be denied the right to life.(3mks)
b)Explain six social rights of an individual in Kenya.(12mks)
23.a)Name three categories of the Kenya defense forces.(3mks)
b)Explain six challenges facing the police service in discharging the duties.(12mks)
24.a)State five objectives of devolving the government in kenya.(5mks)
b)Explain five functions of the speaker of the national assembly of kenya.(10mks)

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