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Form Four Term 2 2017 Christian Religious Education. Question Paper

Form Four Term 2 2017 Christian Religious Education. 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2017

NAME.................................... ADM NO........... STREAM.........

Christian Religious Education.

Answer any five questions in the booklet provided.
1.a)Identify five National goals promoted through the study of CRE.(5mks)
b)From the Genesis stories of creation,outline seven teachings about human beings.(8mks)
c)How does the church help to bring back members who have fallen from the faith?(7mks)
2.a)Describe how the Israelites broke the Sinai covenant Exodus 32:1-34.(8mks)
b)Give seven similarities between the Jewish and traditional African practices of circumcision.(7mks)
c)Identify five lessons that Christians learn about God from the call of Abraham.(5mks)
3.a)From the story of Naboth's vineyard,explain four commandments that king Ahab and Queen Jezebel broke.(8mks)
b)Describe six ways in which king Solomon promoted idol worship in Israel.(6mks)
c)What lessons can modern Christians leaders learn from king David's leadership. (6mks)
4.a)Explain six ways in which prophets messages were written in the old testament. (6mks)
b)Identify seven events that would take place during the day of the Lord according to prophet Amos. (7mks)
c)Identify seven social evils prophet Amos would condemn today if he lived in our society.(7mks)
5.a)Describe Jeremiah's teachings on judgement and punishment. (8mks)
b)Why did Nehemiah find it difficult to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem? (7mks)
c)Explain the role of Christians in the restoration of true worship today.(5mks)
6.a)Give six moral standards expected from iniates in African traditional society.(6mks)
b)Explain eight roles of elders in the traditional African community. (8mks)
c)What factors have undermined the role of traditional African specialist today?(6mks)

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