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Form Four-Third Term 2016 Christian Religious Education Exam Question Paper

Form Four-Third Term 2016 Christian Religious Education Exam 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016

NAME.................................... ADM NO........... STREAM.........

Christian Religious Education Exam.

Answer any five questions in the booklet provided.
1.a)Describe the fall of Jerusalem and the exile of the Israelites.(8mks)
b)What did the Jews promise before Ezra the priest during the renewal of the covenant? (7mks)
c)Identify five ways in which Christians observe the day of worship.(5mks)
2.a)Describe four categories of prophets in the old testament.(8mks)
b)Outline the teaching of prophet Amos on Israel's election in Amos 2:9-11,3:1-2,9:7.(7mks)
c)State five relevance of Old Testament prophets to Christians today.(5mks)
3.a)State Jeremiah's prophecy about the messiah.(6mks)
b)Explain Simeon's prophetic message about Jesus during His dedication.(7mks)
c)From Marys song,the Magnificat give seven ways in which the church can help to uplift the lives of the less fortunate.(7mks)
4.a)Describe the seven causes of conflict between Jesus and the Jewish religious leaders in his Jerusalem ministry.(7mks)
b)State seven events which took place from the time of jesus crucifixion up to his death.(7mks)
c)Give reasons why Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection(6mks)
5.a)Describe the cure of a man who had leprosy Lk 5:12-14.(6mks)
b)State seven lessons christians learn from the healing of the woman with the flow of blood.(7mks)
c)In what ways can christians in Kenya assist the physically challenged members of the society?(7mks)
6.a)What is revealed about John in Zachariah songs(Benedict's)Lk 1:76-79(6mks)
b)Give seven teachings of John the Baptist about Jesus Christ.(7mks)
c)Identify seven ways in which the church wins people for the kingdom of God. (7mks)

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