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Form Four Term 1 2016 Christian Religious Education. Question Paper

Form Four Term 1 2016 Christian Religious Education. 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016

NAME.................................... ADM NO........... STREAM.........

Christian Religious Education.

Answer any five questions in the booklet provided.
1.a)Explain six evils condemned by prophet Jeremiah during the temple sermon.(6mks)
b)Outline the content of Jeremiah's letter to the exiles.(7mks)
c)State seven ways in which church leaders communicate Gods message to people in Kenya today.(7mks)
2.a)Outline seven factors that contribute to harmony and mutual responsibility in the african community.(7mks)
b)State six factors that have affected the traditional african peoples dependence on God.(6mks)
c)Give seven similarities between the christian and traditional african ways of showing respect to God.(7mks)
3.a)What did Jeremiah learn about his future task from the experience he had during his call.(7mks)
b)List down the evils condemned by prophet Jeremiah.(7mks)
c)State the relevance of the New Covenant to christian life today.(6mks)
4.a)Describe the political background of Nehemiah's work.(8mks)
b)State the challenges Nehemiah faced in his work.(8mk)
c)List six lessons a christian can learn from the experience of Nehemiah.(7mks)
5.a)Describe the traditional african beliefs about spirits.(7mks)
b)Describe the african concept of community.(8mks)
c)Identify characteristics of a christian community.(5mks)
6.a)Give seven reasons why it was not wise for the Israelites to have a King.(7mks)
b)Explain seven challengea that prophet Elijah faced in Israel.(7mks)
c)Outline six lessons that christians leaders can learn from King Ahab.(6mks)

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