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Form Four 2016 Term Three Exams Christian Religious Education Question Paper

Form Four 2016 Term Three Exams Christian Religious Education 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016

NAME.................................... ADM NO........... STREAM.........

Christian Religious Education.

Answer any five questions in the booklet provided.
1.a)Outline the suffering of prophet Jeremiah during his ministry. (6mks)
b)Identify the final reforms carried out by prophet Nehemiah to restore the worship of God in Judah.(6mks)
c)What is the importance of prayer in the life of a Christian today.(8mks)
2.a)Identify the symbolic acts used by prophet Jeremiah to demonstrate God's judgements and punishment to the Israelites.(7mks)
b)Identify practices in traditional African community that show their belief in life after death.(7mks)
c)Identify moral values taught to the youth during initiation to adulthood in traditional African community. (6mks)
3.a)Identify six rituals perfomed during the birth of a baby in traditional African community. (6mks)
b)State six requirements that one had to fulfill to be made an elder in traditional African societies.(6mks)
c)Identify the factors that are undermining the role of elders in Kenya today.(8mks)
4.a)What changes have taken place in the rite of initiation in Kenya today. (6mks)
b)Give six reasons why children are important in traditional African societies. (6mks)
c)Give eight reasons why sacrifices are made in traditional African societies. (8mks)
5.a)State seven roles of ancestors in traditional African community. (7mks)
b)Name six places in which sacrifices are carried out in traditional African community. (6mks)
c)Explain seven factors that have affected the traditional Africa people dependence on God. (7mks)
6.a)Give six ways in which Christians can assist victims of disasters. (6mks)
b)What did Jeremiah learn about his future task from the experience he had during his call. (7mks)
c)Give seven reasons why it was not wise for the Israelites to have a king.(7mks)

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