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Form Four-(Third Term) 2016 Christian Religious Education Exam Question Paper

Form Four-(Third Term) 2016 Christian Religious Education Exam 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016

NAME.................................... ADM NO........... STREAM.........

Christian Religious Education.

Answer any five questions in the booklet provided.
1.a)State eight similarities between the biblical and traditional African myths about the origin of man and the universe.(8mks)
b)Explain the relationship between the environment and human beings in Genesis creation stories. (6mks)
c)Give six ways in which Christians continue with God's work of creation.(6mks)
2.a)State seven duties and responsibilities given by God to man in the Genesis accounts of creation. (7mks)
b)Outline the immediate consequences of sin in Adam and Eve. (6mks)
c)Given seven attributes of God that Christians learn from the creation accounts.(7mks)
3.a)Relate the breaking of the Sinai covenant according to Exodus 32:1-35(8mks)
b)State six conditions God expected the Israelites to fulfill during the renewal of the Sinai covenant. (6mks)
c)State six leadership qualities that Christians learn from Moses. (6mks)
4.a)Describe the background to the call of Abraham.(6mks)
b)Explain the importance of the Ten plagues to the Israelites. (7mks)
c)State seven ways in which Christians identify themselves in the society today.(7mks)
5.a)How did David promote the worship of Yahweh in Israel?(7mks)
b)Give six reasons why it was difficult for Elijah to fight against idolatry in Israel.(6mks)
c)State seven factors that lead people away from the worship of God today.(7mks)
6.a)State seven similarities between the Old Testament and traditional African prophet(7mks)
b)State six teachings of prophet Amos about the Day of the Lord.(6mks)
c)Give seven ways in modern Christian practice social justice in modern society.(7mks)

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