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Form Four-Term Two 2016 Christian Religious Education Question Paper

Form Four-Term Two 2016 Christian Religious Education 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016

NAME.................................... ADM NO........... STREAM.........

Christian Religious Education.

Answer any five questions in the booklet provided.
1.a)Describe the incident in which Jesus healed the man with a withered hand.Lk 6:6-11.(7mks)
b)Outline seven instructions given by Jesus to the twelve disciples when he send them on a mission.(7mks)
c)Show six ways in which Christians prepare for the 2nd coming if Jesus.(6mks)
2.a)Outline seven teachings of Jesus on the role of the holy spirit.(7mks)
b)Explain the unity of believers as expressed in the image of church.(6mks)
c)State seven ways in which Christians use the gift of wisdom in their daily lives.(7mks)
3.a)Explain eight uses of leisure.(8mks)
b)Outline six Christian teachings on fornication.(6mks)
c)Mention six ways in which Christians can help people living with HIV/AIDS.(6mks)
4.a)State seven duties of citizens to the nation.(7mks)
b)State six ways in which Christians resolve conflict among themselves. (6mks)
c)Give reasons why female circumcision is being discouraged in Kenya. (7mks)
5.a)Explain the moral values acquired during marriage in traditional African community. (6mks)
b)Why is death feared in traditional African community. (6mks)
c)Explain the importance of rituals perfomed during a naming ceremony in traditional African community. ( 8mks)
6.a)Give six characteristics of the New Covenant foreseen by prophet Jeremiah. (6mks)
b)Give six ways in which Christians can assist victims of disasters.(6mks)
c)Give eight reasons for singing and dancing during initiation ceremonies in traditional African community. (8mks)

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