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Uci 402: Human Computer Interaction Question Paper

Uci 402: Human Computer Interaction 

Course:Public Health

Institution: Maseno University question papers

Exam Year:2017


Q 1
a. explain the following terms as used in HCI (10 marks)
i)human computer interaction
iv)universal design
vi)visual perception
vii)mental model
viii)user interface metaphor
ix)user centered design
x)mobile computing

b)outline the factors which should be considered in the analysis and design of a system using hci principles. (8marks)

c)what is the importance of usability in HCI. (2 MARKS)

d)state and explain interface metaphor. (4 marks)

e)state and explain the input output channels in systems (6 marks)

a)Discuss any four interaction styles that are used in HCI, giving their advantages and disadvatages. (10 marks)

b)Outline goals in HCI. (3 marks)

c)what are the advantages and disadvantages of using questionnaires to collect data (7 marks)

a)What is meant by user-centered design. (2 marks)

b)Discuss audio and visual devices that are used in input and output devices (4 marks)

c)what is the aim of HCI. (2 marks)

d)Describe the technique used in evaluation highlighting their key points and differences between them. ( 12 marks)

a)Outline the characteristics of mobile users in mobile computing (5 marks)

b)Briefly explain (Donald) Norman's 7 design guidelines. (8 marks)

c)What are the factors to consider before choosing an evaluation method (7 marks)

a)What are design guidelines as used in HCI (2 marks)

b)Giving examples explain the types of evaluation techniques (10 marks)

c)State the methods that can be used to gather/collect user requirements. (8 marks)

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