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Ebcu 001: Research Methodology Question Paper

Ebcu 001: Research Methodology 

Course:Bachelor Of Education

Institution: Mount Kenya University question papers

Exam Year:2017


University examinations 2016/2017

School of education
Department of educational management curriculum studies.
Bachelor of education
School based/DIBL

Unit code: EBCU001

Unit title: Research Methodology

Date: July/August 2017 Main exam.Time: 2hrs

Instructions: Answer question one and any other two questions.

1.(a) Define the following terms
(i)Research. (1mark)

(ii)Population. (1mark)

(iii)Validity. (1mark)

(iv)Variable. (1mark)

(b) Identify non- scientific ways of obtaining knowledge. (8marks)

(c)Describe four types if research by purpose. (8marks)

(d) Give five reasons why educational research is necessary. (10 Marks)

2.(a)Explain five properties of research. (10marks)
(b) Outline five characteristics of qualitative research. (10marks)

3.(a)Identity four factors that determine the effectiveness of evaluation research.(8marks)

(b) Explain six characteristics of a good research problem. (12marks)
4.(a) Give five reasons why a research study must have objectives (10 marks)
(b) Identity five factors that lead to a credible research study. (10marks)
5.(a)Identify five morals that govern the conduct of an interview research (10 Marks)
(b) Identify five examples of probability sampling methods. (10 marks)

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